Home Reference Source
import {Event} from './vgui/10-event.js'
public class | source


Represents an event that bubbles up

Constructor Summary

Public Constructor

Creates a default Event

Member Summary

Public Members
public get

bubbles: *

Wether this event should bubble up the DOM tree

public get

Wether preventDefault can be called to stop the default action

public get

target: *

The element where the Event originated

public get

The type of the event

Method Summary

Public Methods

Prevents the default action from happening.


Stops the event from bubbling up.

Protected Methods

Public Constructors

public constructor source

Creates a default Event

Public Members

public get bubbles: * source

Wether this event should bubble up the DOM tree

public get cancelable: * source

Wether preventDefault can be called to stop the default action

public get target: * source

The element where the Event originated

public get type: string source

The type of the event

Public Methods

public preventDefault() source

Prevents the default action from happening. This does not stop propagation.

public stopPropagation() source

Stops the event from bubbling up.

Protected Methods

protected _cancel() source